Medup backups articles

TL;DR Explain features of medup client tool to export Medium and posts

I am glad to present you my little project Medup to export Medium and Dev to posts in markdown or json format.

Photo by Mike Setchell on Unsplash


2023–11–02: Add example of Soundcloud and Codepen embeded elements; 2022–07–26: Update document with more complex examples with overlapped styles and hidden links; 2022–07–09: Introduce platform; 2022–05–09: Add example how to use Jekyll and Bridgetown with custom assets path; 2022–04–30: Update article to cover changes in v0.4.0 version; 2022–04–27: Insert Youtube element for testing; 2022–04–09: Update article to cover changes in v0.3.0 version;


The app can only work with public posts, that’s why no need of Medium API key or credentials. The default directory of all exported articles is posts. It is easy to change the distination with option -d <path>.

There are three ways to export articles:

By Post URL

It is a basic command that help you convert a post by URL


URL could contain a custom domain of a publications or standard medium domain.

By Author

It is usefull when you are looking to backup all your posts or someone else. Default platform is Medium.

medup -u <username>
medup @<username>

By User recommendations/claps

I have a list of good articles, that would like to read time to time. With extra argument -r download articles from a recommended list of a user:

medup -u <username> -r
medup @<username> -r

By Publication

Export all posts published in Publications by publication name.

medup -p <publication slug>
medup <publication slug>

Example publication JetThoughts, that is accessed via, has a slug: “jetthoughts”. There is a way to get the slug — open view source of the page and search for text data-collection-slug. This attribute would contain the real slug name of the publication. After you identified the slug you can run: medup -v7 jetthoughts and check folder posts .


There are 2 supported platforms: Medium and The default platform is Medium. Export articles for author or organisation specify the argument --platform=<devto|medium> .

Cheat Sheet

#!/usr/bin/env bash

medup -u miry -d ./posts/miry          # Articles written by miry
medup --platform=devto -u miry -d ./posts/miry_devto  # Articles written by miry in
medup @miry -d ./posts/miry            # Alternative way to get articles written by miry
medup -u miry -d ./posts/favorites -r  # Favorite articles of miry (clapped one)
medup -u miry -d ./posts/miry --update # Update existing exported posts with latest versions of posts
medup -u miry -d ./posts/miry --assets-images  # Save images to assets folder
medup @miry -d ./posts/miry --assets-images --assets-dir ./assets --assets-base-path=/assets # Save images to assets folder and update base path from relative to absolute
medup -p jetthoughts -d ./posts/jetthoughts # Export Jetthought publication's posts
medup jetthoughts -d ./posts/jetthoughts # Alternative way to export Jetthought publication's posts
medup # Export single article
medup # Export signle article with custom domain
medup -v7 -d _posts --assets-dir=assets --assets-base-path=/assets @miry # Export posts to Jekyll
medup -v7 -d src/_posts --assets-dir=src/assets --assets-base-path=/assets jetthoughts # Export posts to Bridgetown
medup      # Articles wirtten by jetthoughts in
medup  # Single article to export from
medup jetthoughts --dry-run            # Run command in read only mode. No modification in file system. view raw



Support image embedding to a result markdown document. In general it downloads and encode an image. After put the image to the bottom of the document to have better read expirience.

It is possible to save images in assets folder with option --assets-images.

Check JPEG images

medup @miry --assets-images

Code Blocks

Code blocks are easy to convert, because it has similar structure to markdown format.

Inline code, Bold and Italic

Convert words with formating styles to correspondent markdown styles.


Split the text blocks to be close to original document.


Converts gists or embed content to IFRAME and load as assets from the separate file. Included to the document as HTML tag. Currently there is a limitation to access gists 60 request per hour. If gist service returns 403 error code, IFRAME solution would be used.


Converts Youtube media elements to IFRAME and load assets from the separate file. Included to the document as HTML tag.


Caption under the video


Here is an example of tweet message

With I see how often my favorites articles were changed and see previous history of content. I am thinking to create a service to show archives of #medium articles or export to markdown. If you have ideas submit to

Caption for the tweet message




Caption for the Soundcloud embeded

I’ve included a sample SoundCloud embedded element with a customized style to increase its width compared to regular text. This will help us assess its compatibility with Markdown.




An example of Codepen integration with a link in the caption .

Other rich elements/Embeded

Depends on an element it could create IFRAME or would use IMAGE with a link to the external resource.

Calculate emoji symbols size with Medium format.

Paul Keen is a Chief Technology Officer at JetThoughts. Follow him on LinkedIn or GitHub.



For MacOS users installation should be easy peasy. The most popular package manager for MacOS is Homebrew

$ brew tap miry/medup
$ brew install medup
$ medup


Other solution is to use Docker:

$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/posts -it miry/medup [-u <user>|<url>]

It allows users to skip installation of Crystal and other development libraries.

From sources

The code is written in Crystal. Build a binary use next commands

$ rake build
$ _output/medup -u <medium user> -d <destination folder>

The build is located in _output/medup.


There is a way to test how the export is working. The project has automated task like:


It is possible to create a Demo site with single command:

$ rake demo:serve

In the background for taks it do next:

$ gem install bundler jekyll
$ jekyll new demo
$ cd demo
$ bundle add webrick
$ bundle
$ cat <<EOF >> _config.yml
  - scope:
      path: ""
      layout: default
$ medup -v7 -d _posts --assets-dir=assets --assets-base-path=/assets @miry
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

Then open in browser http://localhost:4000/.


It is possible to create a Demo site with single command with Bridgetown:

$ rake demo:bridgetown:serve

In the background for taks it do next:

$ gem install bundler bridgetown
$ bridgetown new demo
$ cd demo
$ bundle
$ cat <<EOF >> src/_posts/_defaults.yml
layout: post
$ medup -v7 -d src/_posts --assets-dir=src/assets --assets-base-path=/assets @miry
$ bin/bridgetown start

Then open in browser http://localhost:4000/


All contribution to the project are welcome. You have some new ideas or just want to check for new features check the Project Board. I apreciate any help with implementing new features.

Do you use medup for your duties or routines let me know. I will be very happy to know about your use case.

Key learnings

Use less embeding sections as possible when create a Medium post.

Markdown is not so powerful as rich text rendeing engines. It was not designed for those things. Prefered way is to use plain code blocks over gist embeded snippets. It makes easy to read the exported document.

to be continued…


I use this post as test with all possible elements for checking correctnes of Medup. Expect small changes in the document.
