Crystal string and heredoc with escaped characters for JSON

TLDR: Clarify a problem why some JSON content could be not parsable via directives and how to fix it

require "json"
pp JSON.parse(%|{"example1": "string without new line"}|)
# > {"example1" => "string without new line"}
pp JSON.parse <<-CONTENT
  "example2": "heredoc without new line"
# > {"example2" => "heredoc without new line"}
pp JSON.parse(%|{"example3": "string with new line\n"}|)
# > Unhandled exception: Unexpected char '
#   ' at line 1, column 35 (JSON::ParseException)
pp JSON.parse <<-CONTENT
  "example4": "heredoc with new line\n"
# > Unhandled exception: Unexpected char '
#   ' at line 1, column 35 (JSON::ParseException)

Review the command: JSON.parse(%|{“foo”: “string with new line\n”}|) . It produces prase error:

Unhandled exception: Unexpected char '
' at line 1, column 35 (JSON::ParseException)

The error printed hidden character as new line. It gave a hint, that something is not escaped. It looks like, JSON does allow to close a string on next lines:

$ echo "{\"foo\": \"string with new line\n\"}" | jq .
parse error: Invalid string: control characters from U+0000 through U+001F must be escaped at line 2, column 1

How to fix the problem

A heredoc and string generally allows interpolation and escapes.

Interpolation can be disabled by using a non-interpolating string literal like %q() or escaping backslash \\ .

The opening heredoc identifier is enclosed in single quotes.

pp JSON.parse(%q("example3": "string with new line\n"}))
# > {"example3" => "string with new line\n"}
pp JSON.parse <<-'CONTENT'
  "example4": "heredoc with new line\n"
# > {"example4" => "heredoc with new line\n"}
