CPU Profiling a Ruby Application in Kubernetes
TL;DR In this article, I’ll guide you through the steps to obtain CPU profiling traces from a running container in Kubernetes.
I won’t delve into the purpose of CPU profiling here but will focus on the instructions. For profiling, I’ll use rbspy. I initially tried Pyroscope, but encountered issues with reporting data in a local Ruby example. Additionally, its Ruby gem support seemed outdated, so I switched back to rbspy.
Profiling containers isn’t straightforward - it requires some preparatory steps, including updating Pod security settings to enable SYS_PTRACE
Updating Pod Security Settings
Here’s an example of the changes needed in the deployment configuration:
- name: web
image: docker.io/rails/rails:master
- bundle
- exec
- rails
- server
+ securityContext:
+ capabilities:
+ add:
Once deployed, you can begin debugging. By default, containers run as non-root users and often lack the required profiling tools, which limits the usefulness of kubectl exec
1. Instead, you can use kubectl debug
2 to hijack a node or pod with a custom container running in privileged mode 3.
Using kubectl debug
The kubectl debug
command can add a container to the node or attach it to a target pod:
$ kubectl debug -it web-84cd66cb44-n82jt --image=alpine --target=web
$ kubectl debug node/backend4x-gw73h -it --image=alpine
There is a container image exists for rbspy and could be used like:
$ kubectl debug -it web-84cd66cb44-n82jt -c debugger --image=rbspy/rbspy:0.27.0-musl --target=web --profile=sysadmin
However, this approach didn’t work well in my Kubernetes cluster, and I didn’t have time to investigate further. Consider this a homework assignment for you.
An Alternative Approach
Here’s what I did instead:
$ kubectl debug -it web-84cd66cb44-n82jt -c debugger --image=alpine --target=web --profile=sysadmin
# wget -qO- https://github.com/rbspy/rbspy/releases/download/v0.27.0/rbspy-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz | tar xvz
# mv rbspy-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/rbspy /usr/bin/rbspy
Even after adding SYS_PTRACE
, I couldn’t get rbspy to work without adding --profile=sysadmin
. Additionally, using -c debugger
assigns a static container name, which simplifies automation.
Recording the Profile
Once rbspy is installed, you’re ready to start profiling. Most applications run with PID 1
, but if other scripts are running in the container, you may need to identify the correct PID using ps ax
. After identifying the PID, start collecting data (replace 1 with PID):
# rbspy record --pid 1 --raw-file /raw.gz --format flamegraph -f /flamegraph.svg
Exporting the Data
Once profiling is complete, you need to copy the reports from the container. Use kubectl cp
4 to achieve this:
$ kubectl cp -c debugger web-84cd66cb44-n82jt:/flamegraph.svg flamegraph.svg
$ kubectl cp -c debugger web-84cd66cb44-n82jt:/raw.gz raw.gz
Generating Reports
While you already have flamegraph.svg
, you can generate other formats, such as speedscope
, from the raw data:
$ rbspy report -f speedscope -i raw.gz -o speedscope.out
You can then upload the file to speedscope.app to view the flamegraph over time.
rbspy simplifies profiling for running applications. However, in cloud environments with distributed loads, a more automated solution like continuous profiling (e.g., Pyroscope) is preferable. Currently, an external memory profiler isn’t available, but the Ruby community has introduced a new tool, vernier, which could be useful for continuous profiling.