1 Billion Row Challenge Napkin Math

1 Billion Row Challenge Napkin Math Photo by Clinton Naik on Unsplash Problem Overview You need to write a program that processes 1 billion rows of weather station data to...

Effortless Formatting for OpenTofu Files with LazyVim

Effortless Formatting for OpenTofu Files with LazyVim Here’s my snippet to automatically format HCL files upon saving: -- ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/hcl.lua -- Configure automatic formatting for HCL files in NeoVim return {...

Getting started with Packer in 2024

Getting started with Packer in 2024 Photo by Marek Okon on Unsplash TL;DR Looking to build Ubuntu image for qemu on Fedora or Macos check my solution in my repo...

Make an alias for existing branch

Make an alias for existing branch Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash If you happened to miss the master branch and your organization uses the more populistic main naming convention...

Converting Panics to Errors in Go Applications

Converting Panics to Errors in Go Applications Foto von Anton Darius auf Unsplash Golang is a popular language that makes it easy for beginners to start writing concurrent applications. Often,...

Unlocking Performance: Installing Ruby with YJIT on MacOS

Unlocking Performance: Installing Ruby with YJIT on MacOS Foto von Joshua Fuller auf Unsplash YJIT, the groundbreaking Just-In-Time compiler for Ruby, brings a significant performance boost to your applications. However,...

What is an Incident?

What is an Incident? Understanding Incidents An incident is an unforeseen event that disrupts regular operations, demanding immediate attention to minimize its impact and restore normalcy. While definitions may slightly...

MTTx Metrics-Based Incident Response Optimization

MTTx Metrics-Based Incident Response Optimization Introduction Incident response is a critical aspect of every organization’s strategy. To ensure continuous improvement and optimization, it is essential to measure and analyze key...

Reliability concepts: Availability, Resiliency, Robustness, Fault-Tolerance, and Reliability

Reliability concepts: Availability, Resiliency, Robustness, Fault-Tolerance, and Reliability I came across a comprehensive list of essential topics related to Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), particularly emphasizing the aspect of Reliability. You...

Getting Started with OBS: A Beginner's Guide

Getting Started with OBS: A Beginner’s Guide Foto von Malte Helmhold auf Unsplash Introduction If you’re a beginner looking to dive into the world of live streaming and content creation,...

Pros and cons of a balcony solar system

Pros and cons of a balcony solar system I have put together some basic information for the house community about a solar power system on a balcony in Berlin, Germany....

Minimalist web server for static files with Crystal

Minimalist web server for static files with Crystal Problem Build a cross-platform web server to serve static files in the local folder. Test local HTML, CSS, and JS files without...

Quick note: Generate flamegraph for Crystal app

Quick note: Generate flamegraph for Crystal app Quick note for me to remember how to generate flamegraphs to profile Crystal lang app. Let’s see how it works… Flamegraph? Flamegraph Memory...

Crystal string and heredoc with escaped characters for JSON

Crystal string and heredoc with escaped characters for JSON TLDR: Clarify a problem why some JSON content could be not parsable via directives and how to fix it require "json"...

How to begin with Traces in Crystal

How to begin with Traces in Crystal TL;DR: Primitve two code examples to start working with Traces Kirk Haines³ recently started working on making opentelemetry available for Crystal applications¹. I...

Crystal detects Emoji symbols in String

Crystal detects Emoji symbols in String Problem is to identify unicode characters that has different byte size, but single symbol in render. Such of the symbols Emoji. subject = "🇺🇦...

Dockerfile for a Crystal application

Dockerfile for a Crystal application Build a space-effective docker image for a Crystal application TL;DR: Build an application with static linking and use Alpine base image to reduce the size...

Medup backups articles

Medup backups articles TL;DR Explain features of medup client tool to export Medium and Dev.to posts I am glad to present you my little project Medup to export Medium and...

Build and Read Crystal

Build and Read Crystal TL;DR Notes how to build crystal programming language from sources Prologue I work on a small client tool written in Crystal. It calls “Medup”. As usual,...

Convert laptop to a router for Telekom.de network

Convert laptop to a router for Telekom.de network Set up a Linux machine as a WiFi router in a few steps. No luck with Mac OS devices. TL;DR I spent...

How to automate building local virtual machines with Packer

How to automate building local virtual machines with Packer We will learn how to create a disk image base on a remote iso disk image. Auto install packages and configure...

Convert Github Issue to Pull request

Convert GitHub Issue to Pull request The typical difficulty for most GitHub users is to manage 2 cards per task (an Issue and a connected Pull request). It consumes a...

Listen to localhost

Listen to localhost How many processes can ‘listen to’ the same port of localhost? I know the answer, and it is ONE port. TL;DR Depends on OS configuration and socket...

Modify binary files with VIM

Modify binary files with VIM TL;DR xxd ./bin/app | vim — and :%!xxd -r > ./bin/new_app When I was a student, I used a lot Windows. It was hard times...

Debug Crystal TCP server

Debug Crystal TCP server Learn how to debug TCP communications with Wireshark In my journey of learning Crystal language, I want to record notes and left guide on how to...